Monday, August 15, 2011

I had a great weekend.
Friday little N spent the night.
T and the man were working on cabinets in the shop...
which left us gals for a girls night.

The next morning, on Saturday,  we were up and off to the park for
birthday party!
N's brother, Te turned 9.
Pizza and cake.
On the way home we decided to avoid the work on the freeways...
which led us on a detour around Autzen Stadium.
We stopped for a peek at Duck practice.
Games are right around the corner!
We have two pair of tickets to Pac 12 games...
boy is it hard to get used to saying 12 instead of 10...
 but both are in October.
Oh hurry, hurry!
The guys have been continuing on their project today, Sunday.
That leaves me to my own devices.
I was sitting out here writing...
When this fellow showed up to visit with me.
He didn't really like the camera very much.
I couldn't help but wonder if he was from that bunch
that hatched earlier this spring, when one visited me
as a teeny tiny new guy.
If so... my how he's grown!
That's pretty much it.
Calm and sane.
Well for the most part anyway.


  1. i enjoyed watching baltar set up his harem on new caprica.

    so say we all.

  2. billy pilgrim- Gaius is such an interesting fellow! So say we all.

  3. NoRegrets- He certainly was. He didn't like the camera but had no fear at all of me.

  4. Sounds like you had a fun weekend... hectic, but fun. Mine was quiet. I tried to finish the Peter Straub book I've been reading for what seems like forever. It is a tiresome book, but I'm hoping it will end well. "A Dark Matter" is definitely a book I'd sacrifice for a project.

  5. Kid parties for the both of us :-) Sounds like a good weekend.
    I wish I didn't have such a fear of bugs. I know that the vast, vast majority won't hurt you, but somehow I still tend to not want to be near them.

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  8. Cube- I love Peter Straub! I haven't read "Dark Matter" yet. Hummmm... perhaps I won't. ;)

  9. Laura b.- I can't take spiders. One had me trapped in a corner last night... very aggressive! I ended up escaping by throwing things at it until it ran under the dryer. =:/
    On the flip side, the man found a snake in the yard where he was working. I had to move the cutie pie to the other side of the yard.
    The birthday party was fun, but it was nice to come home to quiet and calm.

  10. I love Praying Mantises (Praying Manti?) They look so alien. And I think they do grow pretty quickly.
