I had a bright idea.
It was a simple idea really.
One I often have this time of year.
Add to my garden's evolution.
Those three masses of day lilies sit on one side of a "mound".
I was recently told by my MIL that said mound was made of loam.
"Rich, friable (crumbly) soil with nearly equal parts of sand and silt, and somewhat less clay."
It seemed easy enough to get in there and dig some holes in that rich crumbly soil.
Pop in some nice perennials and wha-lah!
Lovely flowers.
It seems that loam,
when ignored for years under weed fabric
and bark dust...
bakes into a hard rocky adobe like material.
Naturally, I attacked it with my toy shovel.
Yes, the kind of toy garden shovel you buy a six year old to use while helping in the garden.
I like them.
The handle is not too long...
I am short.
The area that a toy shovel digs out is the size of a 6" plant pot.
A shovel full of dirt is not very heavy.
I will not bore you with the details of the day's effort.
5 holes were dug...
5 plants
(3 Shasta Daisy, 1 English lavender and 1 Coreopsis)
were successfully installed into the ground.
It took me
There were some amusing moments.
Recently Randy bought me two "Pocket Hoses".
These are a marvelous invention!
They expand in length as the hose fills.
Cool beans!
This not only amuses you to watch,
but makes for a nice, light weight hose.
I decided to help the soil loosen by setting up a sprinkler.
I unscrewed the nozzle and attached the little metal star shaped sprinkler head.
I carefully dropped the sprinkler upside down and ran to turn on the hose.
The hose did not expand the way it does with a nozzle.
Too little pressure.
I got my second hose and attached the 2 so that they would reach the area I needed watered.
Once more I dropped the sprinkler upside down and ran to turn on the water.
I hurried over to flip the sprinkler over and it went insane!
It was like holding onto a frantic snake that sprayed water.
By the time I got the darned thing on the ground where I wanted it...
I was soaked.
I was soaked again later when I needed to move it.
At least they helped to keep me cool as I amended the soil,
weeded and shoveled bark dust around.
I am telling myself that I know Shasta Daisy
and that these three little bunches
will indeed become lovely large plantings...
until they blend together for one large mass.
Right? Right?
Tomorrow I have more to plant.
Another Lavender, 2 Blanket Flower, 4 Black Eyed Suzies
and a big Sweet William.
More of my "bright idea".
I will say this for gardening.
It is something I can lose myself in entirely.
Put on my MP3 and get lost as I pull or dig or snip.
Best of all...
at the end of my day,
I sleep like a rock and wake refreshed.
I got a sunburn too.
Haven't had one of those for a long time.
Fortunately I am one of the lucky who turn tan overnight.
I hope you all are having a great weekend.
The SSS posts made me hungry.
But then, most things do.