Friday, December 16, 2016

There is nothing like family. 

I have been so busy! We decided to move.  I have never had such a crazy time moving.  The amount of stuff here is astounding. Worse, both the man and his mother are terrible about letting things go.
We had so many office things; shelves, storage, old programs, clip art, and others. Tons!

I got sneaky. I got up early and hauled off boxes and boxes of "things that are still good" to charity because we will never use them again. Someone should! Every room has been filled with things that are still good. I swear that I have given a whole household away.

How can we move into a smaller home if we don't reduce the clutter? Sheesh.

So that's been happening.  There's also been a clash of agendas.  Mine is to reduce clutter and get packing. But there were pauses, like pulling up the carpet that covers the office floor... to expose the oak flooring because that will help sell the house. Common sense said, pack the office and when all packing is done, worry about getting it ready to sell.

We don't use common sense. Let's leave it at that. So there have been detours along the way.

That includes weather issues. We are currently living in ice world.  My movers (my kids) can't get down to help. Then the gorge closed from snow storms. It's been a challenge.

That's why I haven't posted or lurked.  We are now hoping to move the day after Christmas. Cross your fingers and think good thoughts. I may be off until relocation. So happiest of holidays to you all!


  1. It sounds like you have your hands full. Moving is a pain under any circumstances, but in an icy environment, it must be a pain cubed. My best wishes for joyous Christmas and a speedy & uneventful move, my friend.

    P.S. When we pulled up the carpet at our house to expose the hardwood floor, I used Oxi Clean to remove all the gunk left behind and the floor looked fabulous. My husband and the other guys fixing up the house laughed at me until they saw how well it worked.

    Oxi Clean was brand new at the time (late 90's) and I had ordered it from a TV commercial. I knew it would work because oxygen is a very hungry molecule that viciously strips electrons from the other molecules it comes into contact with. Now the supermarket aisles are full of oxygen-based products because they work. Better living through chemistry, I always say.

    1. That's good to know. My MIL stockpiled Oxi Clean in our storage. I can use it on the floors... here and there. Lol

  2. Good luck on the move! I've found de-cluttering to be liberating.

    1. Hi 3GKnight! It's great to see you again. I think decluttering will make a huge difference. I love these people dearly but I dislike their cluttering ways.

  3. Oh the best of luck!!! That's so great! And a huge undertaking.

    1. Thanks NoRegrets! I'm wiggly with excitement. It will be over soon. Thank goodness.

  4. I can't wait to see photos of your new house! I hope things are smoother from here on out.

  5. Fingers crossed and thoughts being thought of in a good way. Merry Christmas.

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