I sat up.
Another day.
Another day.
Roxy peers up at me with that guilty look...
the one that begs me not to make her get out of her warm bed just because I have to work.
Were our roles reversed, I would make the same face.
The chill of morning air requires that I put on my clothes as rapidly as possible...
and my room is the warmest in the house.
They are cold...
but only briefly.
I top it all with a hoodie.
I put the last night's coffee into the giant Starbucks container
and shove it into the microwave.
Next stop is the bathroom.
Next stop is the bathroom.
This is the routine;
put hair in pony tail, brush teeth, use mouthwash, beat the toothbrush on the edge of the sink and replace it in the cup.
(No worries... deodorant is next to my bed in my table drawer and part of getting dressed.)
I reach over and click out the light.
Bzzzzzzzz... zzzz...zzz...
I turn the light back on.
Its an insistent little buzzzzz.
I put my hand on the light box.
No vibration.
I look at Randy's beard trimmer, then touch it.
No vibration.
I pull open the drawer and check the old shaver.
Not only is it silent, but it is unplugged.
Oh yeah. Duh.
Still... zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I feel the wall.
What if it's a short or something electrical?
The wall feels normally cool.
I touch the light again, like that will help.
I feel the counter.
Meanwhile the phone in my pocket begins to play its morning swan song...
my alarm telling me that if I want to get to work on time that I need to leave NOW.
Well crap.
No hope for it... I'm going to have to go to work.
I rush to the kitchen and write the man a note.
"There's an electrical sounding buzzz in the front bathroom...."
I lock the front doors behind me hoping that my home will not burn down.
I think about the buzzz all through the first two hours of my day at work.
By break time I can't stand it....
"Its me" I say cleverly, as if he did not know.
My phone announcement on his phone is the William Tell Overture.
"Did you figure out the buzzz?"
"Its okay. Only a little fire. Its out now..."
I feel relief!
He would never sound that calm if there had been a real fire.
"It was your toothbrush Silly Rabbit!"
Mystery solved.
Then he says
"Now you want to tell me how to shut the damn thing off?"